Sunday, 5 May 2013

Frustrated Blogger - help needed

I'm breaking completely out of the mould today and posting two blogs. I have spent all day trying to sort out problems with blogger and am so frustrated I am writing about it.

The first problem is that my text is not showing correctly. Some text is in a white box and the remainder isn't. This is completely random as sentences can be split in two like this. The only way I was able to solve the problem is to completely change the template to one that has a white background. Anything with a, even slightly coloured, background does not display.

The next problem is when I try to share my blog anywhere other than google it does not pull out the correct picture. It gives me three pictures to choose from, none of which are the picture for the blog I am posting. This has all taken up hours of my time and I am no further forward. 

I am writing this as a test case in the hope that the previous blog was a one off. I am also posting in the hope that someone out their in cyberspace will be able to help me and point out the problem and the solution. 

Normal service will resume once I have sorted out these problems. Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me. 


  1. I don't know a lot abt blogging, I have a few other friends who blog and I enjoy reading what yall write. Technology is so wonderful, lol. But I just now, figured out how to post a comment. :) Is there a way.that I can subscribe to your blog? I absolutely adore all your reviews and don't want to miss out! Hope they help with fixing your problems soon:)

    1. Cry crystal on the right there is a box that says follow by email. Put your email in the box and click the submit button. You will then get n email every time I post a blog. Glad you are enjoying the reviews

  2. Thanks, I got it all fixed up now:)

  3. Hello Wendy,
    I've had the same problem with Blogger when I post a new blog. Sometimes it posts the proper picture when I share, other times, NO. It's very frustrating!
    Warmest regards,
    CJ Heck
    CJ's Writer Thoughts:

    1. It certainly is frustrating CJ. Having spent time writing a blog it is so difficult when things go wrong

    2. CJ. One thing I have found out through all this is that if you make the url smaller on or then it usually gives you a choice of pictures and you can change it to the right one. Hope this helps you

  4. Now managed to sort everything out thanks to the great people on google forums. people are so helpful
