It just goes to show you can't judge a town by its beauty. The weekend kicked off with A murder mystery dinner. This was side splittingly funny with a cast of characters, each more eccentric than the last. Here is a taster and you will get the gist.
Ian Rankin had a guest role as the dead body and that is his chalk outline above. In case you were wondering it was done by Charlotte, the meek and mild librarian. Our table was the only one that got it right. Yeah. Go us. Just goes to show you should never trust a smiling librarian.
Saturday was a tad more serious with a full day at a Crime writers workshop. This was superb and much of what wa done May appear in future DI Shona McKenzie books. Watch this space. An excellent Scottish night, with Scottish all girl bands, Shine and the Shee helped us to recover from a full on day. Girl power Scottish style.
Sunday was a chance to hear some of my favourite authors talk about crime writing and their books. I am sure you will a agree that Ian Rankin, Anne Cleeves, Lin Anderson, Alex Gray and Stuart MacBride form a formidable bunch. I wouldn't want to be in a room with all of them at once. Oh wait, I was, and I'm still here to tell the tale. Phew. This was a fairly informal festival so we were able to chat to the writers over lunch etc. I can assure you, as well as being great crime writers, all of the above are genuinely nice people.
I am sure you will agree that this weekend was a bookaholics paradise. The next event is The Bloody Scotland Crime Festival in Stirling in September. I am looking forward to it already.
Just a selection of books from the authors who were at the weekend. As I say, all fabulous crime writers and well worth getting their books. That brings us to the end of another bookaholic post. I look forward to seeing you all back here soon. Have a great week and keep reading.