Monday 13 May 2024

Book Review: Death at a Shetland Festival by Marsali Taylor


Another cracking book for you to read my Bookaholic Friends.


Crowds are gathered for a concert at Shetland's renowned folk music festival when there's a shocking discovery - international folk legend Fintan Foley has been stabbed backstage.

Sailing sleuth Cass Lynch and her partner DI Gavin Macrae are in the audience and must untangle a complicated case where nothing is quite what it seems. Cass soon discovers that Foley's smiling stage persona concealed links with Shetland. He'd worked here in the 80s, the days when oil brought wealth to the islands.

Has a long-buried secret risen to the surface - and will it make Cass a target for a cold-blooded killer?


You always know when you start a Marsali Taylor Book you are in for a fabulous read. This one did not let me down. It starts off gently, describing the festival and really setting the scene; this is important for the plot. When the action starts it is non stop. Setting is extremely important to this book and it is described beautifully. I could imagine myself at the festival and found my toes tapping as the songs were described. I love the way the Shetland folk songs are used as chapter titles. This adds to the overall atmosphere and atmosphere there is in more ways than one. The plot held my interest as did the characters, all of whom are integral to the storyline. They are weaved in perfectly and all come across as real people. I found myself reading this way past the sensible time to put it down and first thing on waking up. The sign of a good book. Despite the fact it is part of a series, it can be read as a stand alone. 




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That's it for another week Bookaholics. See you all again soon. Until then keep reading and keep writing.